My plans for!

The site in general

I had the idea to replace the main red home buttons with pure code, instead of them being png's.
Could probably do the same thing with the "listen" buttons on the music section.
With this approach, I can change the colour/looks and size of the buttons more easily and I should also be able to make them move a bit smoother and less snappy!

The Artblog

Originally, my vision for the artblog was me kind of rambling about stuff I made, like a fandom wiki.
I kinda still wanna do that (or at least part of it), it's probably just going to grow over time, so we'll see how the site will look in like a year!


Let's see if I will frequently update the site and do the stuff written here or if this will tun into "ambitious-note-hell".
No pressure though - I gotta say,
it's been very fun working on this website so far!
For now though, let's take a break and smell the flowers: